One Day, Two Sleeps

This is what my study looks like at the moment:


On Monday I’m moving to our new house.  I’m very excited – but right now I’m also very, very tired (so I’m sitting down and writing a short blog post, before I pack the computer away).

During half-term week the children were away with their dad.  While they were gone (and as moving seemed a long time away!) I managed to go out every evening, catch up with friends and have a lovely week (albeit without children).  Spinning with friends, spiritual circles, and dinner and a film with a friend were all on the itinerary for the week.  At the end of it on my one free evening I caught a lovely sunset over fields near my house:


During my day and evening of spinning I plied two skeins of yarn.  The singles were spun some time ago, and this finished the colour project from 2015 TdF (I will put a link in here, but tonight I shall just refer to it without the link *yawns*):



I’m going to be offline for a while.  My new house doesn’t have a phone line, and it looks like it’ll be the end of November before one gets installed.  And, each time I’ve been in the house, my mobile has no signal! So, I shall be out of touch and in another decade (the 90’s?) for a few weeks.

Right, I’m off to start packing the bedroom…  I’m hoping I can do most of it sitting down on the bed!  Actually, I think I’m hoping I can do it in my sleep!  I shall see you in December from my new house!  Good night!

Spinning in Public

Tomorrow in WWSIP day.  That’s world wide spin in public day.  One day I’ll actually manage to do some public spinning on that day!  As I said in my last post, I did some public spinning last weekend. I took my traddy and the blue BFL along and sat spinning in a field in the wind and sun with my friends.  I was a lightweight and only did a couple of hours.  My friends went for the whole day and even set out a table with some of their dyeing and spinning.

Tomorrow is also the day my craft group meet up.  Guess what I’m taking?  That’s right – the blue BFL.  The next thing I spin is going to be long draw.  It’s much, much quicker.

I think I’ve decided on the Navaho plying technique.  And depending on how long and the thickness of the final yarn I may make something like gloves (although they’ll be co-ordinated gloves, rather than an identical pair)!

I should go and get my stuff organised for tomorrow then. Smile