
I had a lovely time launching Crafty Fibres and my dyeing kits at Textiles East.  I learnt an awful lot, from planning ahead so that I had a float and something to put it in, to how to make my stand look more appealing (over the weekend I think I rearranged it about 4 times)!



It was a great experience and I will be doing it again.  However, my next adventure is to open an Etsy shop, where initially I will be selling the dyeing kits.  And then onwards to July, where I will be taking part in Open Studios with 3 other spinners and artists as Spindependence – collective.

Textiles East

I’m excited (and rather busy).  At the end of next week I’ll be at Textiles East selling dyeing kits!  Supplies are arriving (a box containing lots of tubes of food colour arrived today and packaging boxes are due to arrive tomorrow).  I’m busy writing instructions and taking photos!

You’ll find me on FibreTastic’s stand in the retail hall.  Textiles East is at Swavesey Village College Friday 17th and Saturday 18th February.  More details can be found on their website

textiles east